The Money Commando

The Money Commando Portfolio

A number of people have asked to see what our portfolio looks like. I completely understand the interest – I’m always interested in seeing how other people construct their portfolios as well.

This page is connected to a Google Sheets spreadsheet that should provide real-time updates on prices and the values of our various investments.

The “Total dividend per year” column is calculated by taking the most recent dividend payment and multiplying by 4. Thus, this does not take in account any announced or expected dividend increases. As a result, it’s reasonable to expect that the actual dividends received will be slightly higher than the projection here.

Finally, a few disclaimers are necessary here. First, this is our portfolio. I’ve tailored it for our needs, based on our risk tolerance and our time horizon. In addition, it’s entirely possible that some of the stocks were good values when we bought them but are no longer good values at today’s prices.

In no way should this be construed as a recommended portfolio for you. I don’t know you and I don’t know anything about your financial situation, your income, your risk tolerance, your time horizon, or any other important details about you. And while I’m a financial advisor, I’m not YOUR financial advisor.

So, please take this portfolio for what it is – an example of how one family has created a diversified portfolio to meet our needs.