The Money Commando

Investment Income – November, 2022

I always love reading blogs about other investors’ investment income. Watching other people’s investment income rise is my second favorite thing (the only thing better is watching MY investment income rise!)

Here is our investment income for November, 2022. This report includes income from dividends, interest, mutual funds, and rental properties.


Here’s what our investment income looked like for the month:

Dividend & Interest Income

Total dividend income was up 9.78% from last October. This is all due to organic growth – dividend raises and dividend reinvestment.

Rental income

This category includes net income from the 6 rental properties that my wife and I own, plus 50% of the income from 4 rental properties that we own with my mom. This number does not include appreciation of the properties or the decrease in the mortgage balance (those numbers show up in the net worth report).

However, this income is net of all mortgage, tax, and insurance payments. That is, this is a true cash flow report for our rental properties.

We paid for the second installment of new windows on one of the properties – that was about $2k. The good news is that is the last of the scheduled improvements. We’ll have ongoing repair costs, but no improvements for at least the next 12 months.

Total investment income this month

Dividend + rental income = $5,280.56

Our total monthly passive income was down YoY because our rental income was 50% of what it was last November.

Our trailing 12-month passive income dipped slightly from last month, but $135k in passive income over the last 12 months is awesome.


No new purchases this month


This was an ok month. Dividend income was strong, but real estate income was affected by the cost of the windows.

Total cumulative passive income for 2022 is up 43% over 2021. I would be delighted if that number continues to hold through the end of the year.

How did everybody else do with their investment income this month?

Are there any investments out there trading at reasonable valuations that I should be looking at?